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[PHP] Dijkstra, Floyd-Warshall

박영식2008.08.17 14:33조회 수 4033댓글 0

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위 주소에서 다운로드를 누르면 아래 주소로 이동한다.


아래는 dijkstra알고리즘 코드이다.(첨부는 floyd)

class Dijkstra {

        var $visited = array();
        var $distance = array();
        var $previousNode = array();
        var $startnode =null;
        var $map = array();
        var $infiniteDistance = 0;
        var $numberOfNodes = 0;
        var $bestPath = 0;
        var $matrixWidth = 0;

        function Dijkstra(&$ourMap, $infiniteDistance) {
                $this -> infiniteDistance = $infiniteDistance;
                $this -> map = &$ourMap;
                $this -> numberOfNodes = count($ourMap);
                $this -> bestPath = 0;

        function findShortestPath($start,$to = null) {
                $this -> startnode = $start;
                for ($i=0;$i<$this -> numberOfNodes;$i++) {
                        if ($i == $this -> startnode) {
                                $this -> visited[$i] = true;
                                $this -> distance[$i] = 0;
                        } else {
                                $this -> visited[$i] = false;
                                $this -> distance[$i] = isset($this -> map[$this -> startnode][$i])
                                        ? $this -> map[$this -> startnode][$i]
                                        : $this -> infiniteDistance;
                        $this -> previousNode[$i] = $this -> startnode;

                $maxTries = $this -> numberOfNodes;
                $tries = 0;
                while (in_array(false,$this -> visited,true) && $tries <= $maxTries) {                        
                        $this -> bestPath = $this->findBestPath($this->distance,array_keys($this -> visited,false,true));
                        if($to !== null && $this -> bestPath === $to) {
                        $this -> updateDistanceAndPrevious($this -> bestPath);                        
                        $this -> visited[$this -> bestPath] = true;

        function findBestPath($ourDistance, $ourNodesLeft) {
                $bestPath = $this -> infiniteDistance;
                $bestNode = 0;
                for ($i = 0,$m=count($ourNodesLeft); $i < $m; $i++) {
                        if($ourDistance[$ourNodesLeft[$i]] < $bestPath) {
                                $bestPath = $ourDistance[$ourNodesLeft[$i]];
                                $bestNode = $ourNodesLeft[$i];
                return $bestNode;

        function updateDistanceAndPrevious($obp) {                
                for ($i=0;$i<$this -> numberOfNodes;$i++) {
                        if(         (isset($this->map[$obp][$i]))
                            &&        (!($this->map[$obp][$i] == $this->infiniteDistance) || ($this->map[$obp][$i] == 0 ))        
                                &&        (($this->distance[$obp] + $this->map[$obp][$i]) < $this -> distance[$i])
                                        $this -> distance[$i] = $this -> distance[$obp] + $this -> map[$obp][$i];
                                        $this -> previousNode[$i] = $obp;

        function printMap(&$map) {
                $placeholder = ' %' . strlen($this -> infiniteDistance) .'d';
                $foo = '';
                for($i=0,$im=count($map);$i<$im;$i++) {
                        for ($k=0,$m=$im;$k<$m;$k++) {
                                $foo.= sprintf($placeholder, isset($map[$i][$k]) ? $map[$i][$k] : $this -> infiniteDistance);
                        $foo.= "n";
                return $foo;

        function getResults($to = null) {
                $ourShortestPath = array();
                $foo = '';
                for ($i = 0; $i < $this -> numberOfNodes; $i++) {
                        if($to !== null && $to !== $i) {
                        $ourShortestPath[$i] = array();
                        $endNode = null;
                        $currNode = $i;
                        $ourShortestPath[$i][] = $i;
                        while ($endNode === null || $endNode != $this -> startnode) {
                                $ourShortestPath[$i][] = $this -> previousNode[$currNode];
                                $endNode = $this -> previousNode[$currNode];
                                $currNode = $this -> previousNode[$currNode];
                        $ourShortestPath[$i] = array_reverse($ourShortestPath[$i]);
                        if ($to === null || $to === $i) {
                        if($this -> distance[$i] >= $this -> infiniteDistance) {
                                $foo .= sprintf("no route from %d to %d. n",$this -> startnode,$i);
                        } else {
                                $foo .= sprintf('%d => %d = %d [%d]: (%s).'."n" ,
                                                $this -> startnode,$i,$this -> distance[$i],
                        $foo .= str_repeat('-',20) . "n";
                                if ($to === $i) {
                return $foo;
} // end class


// I is the infinite distance.

// Size of the matrix
$matrixWidth = 20;

// $points is an array in the following format: (router1,router2,distance-between-them)
$points = array(

$ourMap = array();

// Read in the points and push them into the map

for ($i=0,$m=count($points); $i<$m; $i++) {
        $x = $points[$i][0];
        $y = $points[$i][1];
        $c = $points[$i][2];
        $ourMap[$x][$y] = $c;
        $ourMap[$y][$x] = $c;

// ensure that the distance from a node to itself is always zero
// Purists may want to edit this bit out.

for ($i=0; $i < $matrixWidth; $i++) {
    for ($k=0; $k < $matrixWidth; $k++) {
        if ($i == $k) $ourMap[$i][$k] = 0;

// initialize the algorithm class
$dijkstra = new Dijkstra($ourMap, I,$matrixWidth);

// $dijkstra->findShortestPath(0,13); to find only path from field 0 to field 13...

// Display the results

echo '<pre>';
echo "the map looks like:nn";
echo $dijkstra -> printMap($ourMap);
echo "nnthe shortest paths from point 0:n";
echo $dijkstra -> getResults();
echo '</pre>';

박영식 (비회원)
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