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[js] gps좌표를 도분초로 나타내기

박영식2008.07.08 11:39조회 수 4562댓글 0

    • 글자 크기
<script language="JavaScript">

// This JavaScript was written by Tyler Akins and is licensed under
// the GPL v3 -- http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
// See it on the original site -- http://rumkin.com/tools/gps/degrees.php
// Feel free to copy it to your site as long as you leave this header
// pretty much intact and as long as you are complying with the GPL.

function GetDegreeValue(v)
    var vv = "";
    var good = "0123456789.";
    var sign = 1;
    var factor = 1;
    var d = 0;
    var c, oldc;
    // Change non-numbers into spaces.
    oldc = ' ';
    for (i = 0; i < v.length; i ++)
        var c = v.charAt(i).toUpperCase();
        if (c == 'W' || c == 'S' || c == '-')
            sign = -1;
        if (good.indexOf(c) < 0)
            c = ' ';
        if (oldc != ' ' || c != ' ')
            vv += c;
            oldc = c;

    v = new Array();
    v = vv.split(' ');
    for (i = 0; i < v.length; i ++)
        d += v[i] * factor;
        factor /= 60;
    return d * sign;

function DoPrecision(v, p)
    return Math.round(v * Math.pow(10, p)) / Math.pow(10, p);

function upd(v)
    var d, m, sign = '', str;
    v = GetDegreeValue(v);
    if (v < 0)
        sign = '-';
        v = - v;
    str = sign + DoPrecision(v, 6);
    str += '<br>';
    d = Math.floor(v);
    v = (v - d) * 60;
    str += sign + d.toString() + '° ' + DoPrecision(v, 3) + "'";
    str += '<br>';
    m = Math.floor(v);
    v = (v - m) * 60;
    str += sign + d.toString() + '° ' + m.toString() + "' " +
        DoPrecision(v, 2) + '"';

// -->

위의 소스에 upd안에 스트링형태로 호출한다.
upd('좌표')로 넣으면 str 변수에 좌표가 저장된다.

박영식 (비회원)
    • 글자 크기
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