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[aws] hold removing

lispro062016.03.18 18:08조회 수 735댓글 0

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Greeting from Amazon Web Services, 

To comply with applicable laws related to commercial transactions, we are conducting a review of your account. During the review, you will be unable to access your account. 

Within 14 days, please send the following information for  Pak Yeong Sik to our secure fax line at 1-800-887-0540: 

- Complete residential address 
- A copy of unexpired passport or other government issued identification (for example, driver’s license) 
- Proof of address, such as your last utility bill (if the address on your passport or government issued identification is not current) 
- The e-mail address that is registered to your Amazon Web Services account 

For security reasons, we are unable to accept these documents via e-mail. If you are not able to utilize a fax machine from home, work, a library or local copy center, please know there are many online based fax services available. Many of these websites provide their services free of charge. Please use your favorite search engine to locate a service that may work best for your needs. We will send an email confirmation once your fax has been received. Please allow 1 to 2 business days for us to process your fax and provide an account update. 

If we do not receive this information within 14 days, your account may be closed.

Best regards,
Thank you.


신원 확인이 필요하다고 하여, 여권과 영문주민등록표, 이메일 계정, 주소지를 발송하였더니, 아래와 같이 사용 가능해 졌다.

https://faxzero.com/ 에서 무료로 FAX 를 보낼 수 있어, 속는셈 치고 보냈는데, 2건의 메일로 처리 현황을 확인할 수 있었다.

Please click on the URL below to send your fax to Amazon Web Service at 8008870540.

Your fax to Amazon Web Service at 8008870540 has been sent successfully!

1일 이내 처리되었다.

2주 후에도 사용 가능한지 좀 더 기다려 봐야겠지만, 외국에서 걸려온 전화로 또 다시 확인한 듯 하다.

그런데 왜 아무런 말도 않고 끊은 거지? 번호가 있는지만 확인했는지 영어를 못하는 것 같아 그냥 끊었는지는 알 수 없지만, 암튼 잘 처리된 듯.

Greetings from Amazon Payments. 

Thank you for contacting us regarding your Amazon Payments account.  

The hold has been removed from your account. 

Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns and thank you for using Amazon Payments.

Best regards,
Thank you.
lispro06 (비회원)
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