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[domxml] php에서 phpize, pecl을 이용해 사용가능하게 하기

박영식2010.04.21 21:46조회 수 14012댓글 0

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domxml을 사용하기 위해서는 pecl을 이용한 설치가 필요하다.

그런데, pecl은 phpize라는 명령어를 이용하기 때문에, php5-dev도 사용할 수 있어야 한다.

$ sudo apt-get install php5-pear php5-dev
를 한 후, domxml을 설치하자.

그런데, pecl list-all로 확인해 보면, XMLWriter로 이동되었다고 한다.

$ sudo pecl install XMLWriter

를 한다.(이거 하느라 반 나절 다 보냈다.)


ZEND_ME_MAPPING 매크로는 4개의 인수가 필요한데, 3개만이 주어졌습니다.

라고 하며, 컴파일이 안 된다. 헉..

아래는 pecl list-all 명령어를 이용해 설치 가능한 패키지를 리스팅했다.
All packages [Channel pecl.php.net]:
Package             Latest     Local
pecl/KTaglib        0.2.0            Library to edit audio properties and tags on MPEG and OGG files
pecl/FliteTTS                        Text to speech voice synthesis for PHP
pecl/Ovrimos                         Ovrimos interface
pecl/DTrace         1.0.3            A Solaris Dtrace provider
pecl/inclued        0.1.1            Clued-in about your inclueds
pecl/zookeeper      0.1.0            PHP extension for interfacing with Apache ZooKeeper
pecl/augeas         0.6.1            PHP bindings to the Augeas API
pecl/xmms           0.2              Provides functions to interact with xmms
pecl/newt           1.2.4            Extension for RedHat Newt window library
pecl/tvision        0.1              Turbo Vision wrapper
pecl/ncurses        1.0.1            Terminal screen handling and optimization package
pecl/date_time      0.1              Date and Time Library
pecl/timezonedb     2010.7.1         Timezone Database to be used with PHP's date and time functions
pecl/BLENC          1.0alpha         Transparent PHP Script Encryption using Blowfish
pecl/mcrypt_filter  0.1.0            Applies mcrypt symmetric encryption using stream filters
pecl/gnupg          1.3.1            wrapper around the gpgme library
pecl/libevent       0.0.2            libevent wrapper extension
pecl/syck           0.9.3            YAML-1.0 parser and emitter
pecl/zip            1.10.2           A zip management extension
pecl/bz2            1.0              A Bzip2 management extension
pecl/lzf            1.5.2            LZF compression.
pecl/Fileinfo       1.0.4            libmagic bindings
pecl/id3            0.2              Functions to read and write ID3 tags in MP3 files.
pecl/rar            2.0.0            rar extension
pecl/archive        0.2              archive extension
pecl/rpmreader      0.3              RPM file meta information reader
pecl/haru           1.0.0            Haru PDF functions
pecl/cpdf                            C language API definitions for ClibPDF library
pecl/fpdf                            PDF Form Data Format functions
pecl/qqwry          0.1.0            Get IP location from QQWry file
pecl/yaml           0.6.3            YAML-1.1 parser and emitter
pecl/dazuko         0.42             Dazuko file-access-control
pecl/xattr          1.1.0            Extended attributes.
pecl/inotify        0.1.4            Inotify
pecl/fuse                            File system in user space package
pecl/WinBinder      0.46.0           A Native Windows Binding for PHP
pecl/win32std       1.0              Set of standard Windows API functions.
pecl/tk             0.1.1            Extension for Tk (X-windows interface toolkit)
pecl/html_parse     1.0.0            HTML parser extenion
pecl/tidy           1.2              Tidy HTML Repairing and Parsing
pecl/pecl_http      1.7.0b2          Extended HTTP Support
pecl/txforward      1.0.6            Reverse Proxy (web accelerator) PHP compatibility layer
pecl/fribidi        1.0              Implementation of the Unicode BiDi algorithm
pecl/idn            0.2.0            GNU Libidn
pecl/intl           1.1.1            Internationalization extension
pecl/translit       0.6.0            Transliterates non-latin character sets to latin
pecl/unicode                         Unicode extension
pecl/gender         0.7.0            Gender Extension
pecl/spidermonkey   0.1.4            JavaScript engine for PHP
pecl/vpopmail       0.2              Provides functions to interact with vpopmail, a Qmail addon
pecl/mailparse      2.1.5            Email message manipulation
pecl/POP3           1.0.2            POP3 Client Library
pecl/big_int        1.0.7            big_int library provides a set of functions for calculations with arbitrary length integers and bitsets
pecl/stats          1.0.2            Extension with routines for statistical computation.
pecl/ecasound       0.2              Ecasound provides audio recording and processing functions
pecl/ming                            Binding for the ming library, swf generation (flash)
pecl/Bitset         1.0              BITSET library
pecl/spplus         1.0              SPPLUS Paiement System
pecl/TCLink         3.4.0            Enables credit card processing via the TrustCommerce payment gateway
pecl/cybercash      1.18p1           providesa access to cybercash online payment API
pecl/cybermut       1.1              CyberMut Paiement System
pecl/coin_acceptor  0.3              Interface for serial coin acceptors
pecl/mcve           7.0.3            libmonetra/libmcve interface
pecl/optimizer      0.1alpha1        PHP optimizer extension for APC
pecl/bcompiler      0.9.3            A bytecode compiler
pecl/apd            1.0.1            A full-featured engine-level profiler/debugger
pecl/python         0.8.0            Embedded Python
pecl/mono           0.7              Allows you to access .NET assemblies from PHP
pecl/session_mysql                   mysql session save handler for php
pecl/scream         0.1.0            Break the silence operator
pecl/xdebug         2.1.0RC1         Provides functions for function traces and profiling
pecl/vld            0.10.1           Provides functionality to dump the internal representation of PHP scripts
pecl/ffi            0.3              Foreign Function Interface
pecl/perl           1.0.0            Embedded Perl.
pecl/parsekit       1.3.0            PHP Opcode Analyser
pecl/docblock       0.2.0            phpDocumentor-style DocBlock (T_DOC_COMMENT token) tokenizer
pecl/PHPScript                       Allows you to use PHP as an ActiveScript engine from within other applications
pecl/classkit       0.4              Runtime redefinition of class methods
pecl/postparser                      Handle file file uploads within a php script
pecl/intercept      0.3.0            Intercept function/method calls
pecl/runkit         0.9              For all those things you.... probably shouldn't have been doing anyway....

                                     WARNING: 0.9 does not compile with PHP 5.2+ so use the CVS version instead.
pecl/phar           2.0.0            allows running of complete applications out of .phar files (like Java .jar files)
pecl/operator       0.3              Operator overloading for Objects
pecl/htscanner      0.9.0            htaccess support for PHP
pecl/Parse_Tree     0.1.4            Generates a parse tree for a PHP source file in XML format.
pecl/PreProcessor                    PHP Macro Preprocessor
pecl/uploadprogress 1.0.1            An extension to track progress of a file upload.
pecl/lua                             Embedded lua interpreter
pecl/funcall        0.2.5            Add callbacks for any function/method
pecl/params         1.0              Parameter Parsing Utility
pecl/PHK            1.4.0            PHK Accelerator extension
pecl/automap        1.1.0            A fast map-based autoloader
pecl/tcc            0.1.2            TCC Extension
pecl/llvm                            Zend bytecode to LLVM assembly compiler
pecl/memtrack       0.1.0            PHP extension to watch (unusually high) memory consumption in PHP scripts
pecl/memsession     1.0.1            In-memory session extension
pecl/APM            1.0.0beta2       Alternative PHP Monitor
pecl/shape          0.9.2            libshape wrapper
pecl/amfext         0.9.2            ActionScript Message Format extension
pecl/sphinx         1.0.4            Client extension for Sphinx - opensource SQL full-text search engine
pecl/clucene        0.0.9            Extension for CLucene
pecl/mnogosearch    1.0.0            mnoGoSearch extension module for PHP
pecl/swish          0.4.0            Swish-e bindings
pecl/solr           0.9.9            The Apache Solr extension is an extremely fast, light-weight, feature-rich library that allows PHP developers to communicate easily and efficiently with Apache Solr server instances using an object-oriented API.
pecl/selinux        0.3.1            SELinux binding for PHP script language
pecl/openal         0.1              OpenAL Bindings
pecl/oggvorbis      0.2              OGG wrapper for OGG/Vorbis files
pecl/zlib_filter    1.1              zlib filter implementation backport for PHP 5.0
pecl/bz2_filter     1.1.0            bz2 filter implementation backport for PHP 5.0
pecl/bloomy         0.1.0            Extension implementing a Bloom filter
pecl/printer                         Extension to control a printer or or draw to printer device on Windows
pecl/w32api                          Win32 and DLL API interface functions
pecl/statgrab       0.6.0            libstatgab bindings
pecl/threads                         experimental implementation of threads
pecl/dio            0.0.4RC4         Direct I/O functions
pecl/win32ps        1.0.1            Win32 process and memory stats
pecl/win32ps_dll    1.0.1            Win32 process and memory stats
pecl/expect         0.2.6            PHP extension for expect library
pecl/fam            5.0.1            File Alteration Monitor Functions
pecl/proctitle      0.1.1            Allows setting the current process name on Linux and BSD
pecl/PECL_Gen       0.9.9            Tool to generate PECL extensions from an XML description
pecl/SPL                             Standard PHP Library
pecl/crack          0.4              "Good Password" Checking Utility: Keep your users' passwords reasonably safe from dictionary based attacks
pecl/fann           0.1.1            Artificial neural networks
pecl/Valkyrie       0.1              Valkyrie validation extension
pecl/clips          0.5.0            Integrated CLIPS environment for deployment of expert systems
pecl/huffman        0.2.0            Huffman compression is a lossless compression algorithm that is ideal for compressing textual data.
pecl/crack_dll      0.4              "Good Password" Checking Utility: Keep your users' passwords reasonably safe from dictionary based attacks
pecl/filter         0.11.0           Extension for safely dealing with input parameters.

                                     Note: This extension is now part of PHP Core, so use it instead of this outdated PECL version (as of PHP 5.2.0).
pecl/hash           1.5              HASH Message Digest Framework
pecl/SPL_Types      0.3.0            Standard PHP Library, Types Addon
pecl/xrange         1.3.1            Numeric iterator primitives
pecl/xhprof         0.9.2            XHProf: A Hierarchical Profiler for PHP
pecl/stomp          1.0.0            Stomp client extension
pecl/svn            0.5.1            PHP Bindings for the Subversion Revision control system.
pecl/SCA_SDO        1.2.4            Service Component Architecture (SCA) and Service Data Objects (SDO) for PHP
pecl/json           1.2.1            JavaScript Object Notation.

                                     Note: This extension is now part of PHP Core, so use it instead. As of PHP 5.2.0.
pecl/axis2                           Web Services for PHP
pecl/oauth          0.99.9           oauth consumer extension
pecl/Zorba          0.9.9            PHP support for XQuery
pecl/XMLRPCi        1.0              Improved XML-RPC
pecl/xmlReader      1.0.1            Provides fast, non-cached, forward-only access to XML data under PHP 5.

                                     NOTE: This extension is part of core, thus, the PECL extension is dead.
pecl/xmlwriter      2.0.4            Provides fast, non-cached, forward-only means to write XML data.

                                     This PECL extension is dead, instead use XMLWriter that comes with core (as of PHP 5.1.2)
pecl/domxml                          DOM XML Functions
pecl/WBXML          1.0.3            WBXML to XML conversion
pecl/xslcache       0.7.1            A modification of PHP's standard XSL extension that caches the parsed XSL stylesheet representation
박영식 (비회원)
    • 글자 크기
[LOSAK] Lisp Operating System, Abstraction Kernel (by 박영식) 웹 용어 - 신조어가 몇 개 있다 (by 박영식)

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