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[XE] 코멘트를 관리자 메일로 보내는 소스

lispro062015.05.15 11:22조회 수 1262댓글 0

    • 글자 크기
/modules/comment/comment.controller.php & comment.admin.controller.php
에서 처리된다. 주석처리도 많이 되어 있고, 수정하다가 그만 둔 흔적이 보인다.
적당히 수정해서 쓰면 좋다.

if($module_info->admin_mail && $member_info->is_admin != 'Y')
$oMail = new Mail();
$oMail->setSender($obj->email_address, $obj->email_address);
$mail_title = "[XE - " . Context::get('mid') . "] A new comment was posted on document: "" . $oDocument->getTitleText() . """;
$url_approve = getFullUrl('', 'module', 'comment', 'act', 'procCommentAdminChangePublishedStatusChecked', 'cart[]', $obj->comment_srl, 'will_publish', '1', 'search_target', 'is_published', 'search_keyword', 'N');
$url_trash = getFullUrl('', 'module', 'comment', 'act', 'procCommentAdminDeleteChecked', 'cart[]', $obj->comment_srl, 'search_target', 'is_trash', 'search_keyword', 'true');
$mail_content = "
A new comment on the document "" . $oDocument->getTitleText() . "" is waiting for your approval.
<br />
<br />
Author: " . $member_info->nick_name . "
<br />Author e-mail: " . $member_info->email_address . "
<br />Comment:
<br />"" . $obj->content . ""
<br />
<br />
Approve it: <a href="" . $url_approve . "">" . $url_approve . "</a>
<br />Trash it: <a href="" . $url_trash . "">" . $url_trash . "</a>
<br />Currently " . $nr_comments_not_approved . " comments on "" . Context::get('mid') . "" module are waiting for approval. Please visit the moderation panel:
<br /><a href="" . getFullUrl('', 'module', 'admin', 'act', 'dispCommentAdminList', 'search_target', 'module', 'search_keyword', $obj->module_srl) . "">" . getFullUrl('', 'module', 'admin', 'act', 'dispCommentAdminList', 'search_target', 'module', 'search_keyword', $obj->module_srl) . "</a>
$mail_content = "
Author: " . $member_info->nick_name . "
<br />Author e-mail: " . $member_info->email_address . "
<br />Comment:
<br />"" . $obj->content . ""

// get email of thread's author
$document_author_email = $oDocument->variables['email_address'];

//get admin info
$logged_info = Context::get('logged_info');

//mail to author of thread - START
if($document_author_email != $obj->email_address && $logged_info->email_address != $document_author_email)
$oMail->setReceiptor($document_author_email, $document_author_email);
// mail to author of thread - STOP

// get all admins emails
$admins_emails = $module_info->admin_mail;
$target_mail = explode(',', $admins_emails);

// send email to all admins - START
for($i = 0; $i < count($target_mail); $i++)
$email_address = trim($target_mail[$i]);

$oMail->setReceiptor($email_address, $email_address);
//  send email to all admins - STOP
lispro06 (비회원)
    • 글자 크기
[톰캣] 한글 사용 및 mysql 연동 (by lispro06) shell in a box (by lispro06)

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